The Future Of CAR!


The future of CAR! looks very bright, but there will be a few changes going forward.

1. In the next update, all of the menus have been completely redesigned to make them look more modern, less cluttered, and a lot more optimised compared to the old system.

[ Below isn't the final designs as it's still in development, but the final one should look roughly like these do ]

2. In the same update, Settings will now actually save between sessions! Meaning you won't have to change them every time you open the game.

3. Updates may slow down for CAR as I want to try and focus more on other projects.

4. I'll try to add more levels here and there.

5. There may be a monthly leaderboard reset (only if it gets really competitive, I also don't know if I actually will right now)


All in all, I plan to continue development for CAR!. Just maybe slowing down the updates for now.

Thanks for sticking around!

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